If your income goes up, living below your Job Function Email List means will become more and more fun. But it's vital that you cut back and live economically, especially at the beginning Job Function Email List stages. Do this, and you can find another few hundred dollars a month to put into your business. 5. Consider part-time jobs I have a lot of clients who Job Function Email List keep part-time jobs while their businesses are starting up. Sometimes this is much-needed income while a business is growing, while Job Function Email List other times these jobs help pay for business expenses.
Build with business As you build your business, it's important that you're prepared to build with your business. That is, as you take on clients Job Function Email List or customers, make sure you put the income generated by that business back into your business. It is important to get into the habit of paying yourself a salary from your business, however if you're bootstrapping, Job Function Email List you may need to keep the money in the Job Function Email List business instead of taking money out. 7. Borrowing: Before I get into borrowing, let me be clear: my clientele tends to be Job Function Email List micro-small-business, coaches, consultants, independent professionals and contractors.
I work with brick-and-mortar companies, as well, but only occasionally. Job Function Email List So when I say that I rarely recommend borrowing, that's primarily because I rarely work with a client whose business needs warrant borrowing. If a client does need extra funds, however, there are three places that you can find small-scale funding: a) Credit cards: Generally speaking, I don't Job Function Email List recommend getting too deeply involved with credit cards. While it's a very popular option for many small business owners and entrepreneurs, sky-high interest Job Function Email List rates can bury you in the long run. It's best to reserve this for short-term, temporary needs. b)