The path of the hero. In this it shows the entire journey of the protagonist from his "normality" to all the extraordinary events, and culminating with his own return to tranquility. The ordinary world: This is the comfort zone of the protagonist and many of the characters, it is the most peaceful state of the story. Call to Adventure: This is where the hero is presented with the opportunity to go on an adventure, which often consists of
saving the world. Rejection of the call: The hero can immediately go to the call or refuse for wanting to continue in his comfort zone. The help: In this stage the protagonist receives supernatural help or some kind of mentor, who teaches him things and encourages him fax number list to undertake the journey. Beginning of the journey: This is where the threshold from normality to the extraordinary world is crossed, where the first challenges begin and where the hero has to accept the change. The challenges, allies and enemies:
This part can be quite lengthy depending on the type of work, since it is where the hero must face innumerable tests, where he will meet friends, companions and where the main threat will appear. Approach: It is the part where the story progresses, each step that is taken is an approach to the maximum challenge, at the end. The final challenge: It is the climax, the moment where the hero has to face the most difficult test of all to get the reward. Reward: After solving the last problem comes a reward, which can be tangible or intangible.